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Create Transfer-In (Crypto) Instructions - Knowledgebase / Client Portal Next Gen / Managing your Assets / Digital Asset Instructions - First Digital Support Center

Create Transfer-In (Crypto) Instructions

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For wallets created after 24 October, 2022, you can automatically deposit crypto assets into your First Digital account without creating an instruction. Simply transfer the asset in to your designated asset account wallet, details of which can be located from the Asset Holding section. Please refer to article "Locate your Crypto Asset Account Wallet" To set up a designated asset account wallet, please refer to article Create New Asset Account.

For wallets created before 24 October, 2022, you will still need to create an instruction for transferring crypto assets in to your account.

1. Navigate to the "Asset Transfer" tab on the left panel.

2. Select a digital currency from the dropdown menu at the top. Choose "Transfer-In" and click on the "Create Instruction" button.

3. Complete the required fields:

  • To my FDT account: Choose the First Digital account you would like to transfer assets to

  • Amount: Enter your desired amount.

Click on the "Next" button to proceed.

4. Review the details of your instruction to ensure information accuracy and review our disclaimer. Click on "Submit" to proceed.

5. Copy the wallet address and proceed with the transfer directly.


Please note that it will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes for sufficient block confirmation and for the balance to reflect in your portfolio. If your funds are not reflected in the client portal within 30 minutes, please reach out to our Customer Services Team via, along with your transaction (TXN) hash.

Please note that moving forward First Digital will not support multiple wallets for the same token on the same network (e.g. 1 wallet address for USDC on ETH and 1 wallet address for USDC on TRON can be supported).

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